The shortest month of the year is one of the most important when it comes to our health – that’s because February is American Heart Month, a time to raise awareness of heart disease and steps we can take to keep our hearts healthy.
The human heart is what makes us go. The heart pumps oxygen-rich blood throughout the body, keeping our brains and other organs functioning properly. At the same time, the heart helps remove waste from the body. It does all this in continuous, seamless cycle, beat by beat – about 2.5 billion beats in an average lifespan. Pretty remarkable, isn’t it?
“Given the heart’s indispensable role in our lives, it’s important we protect it and keep it healthy!” says Dr. Sam Nassar, a Fort Worth cardiologist. “Unfortunately, too many of us subject our hearts to needless wear and tear. The lifestyle choices we make – from what and how much we eat, how often we exercise, how much sleep we get, how much alcohol we drink and whether we smoke or vape – all have a direct bearing on how long our hearts will remain strong and healthy.”
This American Heart Month, let’s explore the ways to keep your heart as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.
Heart Disease: A Major Health Threat
Heart disease is a significant health threat worldwide. In the United States, heart disease is the number one killer of men and women. In 2022, more than 700,000 Americans died from heart disease, accounting for one out of every five deaths. That’s one death every 33 seconds.
Heart disease is also an incredible drain on the economy, costing over $250 billion from 2019-2020, measured in both health care costs and lost productivity.
“Sometimes, heart disease is beyond anyone’s control. Genetics play a role in heart conditions for some people,” explains Dr. Scott Ewing, a cardiologist in Fort Worth. “And of course, aging affects heart health – the heart ages along with the rest of the body and won’t be as strong late in life.”
“That said, a lot of factors that we do have control over affect our heart health,” adds Dr. Ewing. “By focusing on key lifestyle choices, we have a better chance of keeping our hearts beating strong for years to come.”
Types of Heart Disease
Heart disease encompasses several conditions. These are the most prevalent:
Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is the most common form of heart disease and is often the root cause of heart attacks and other heart problems. CAD occurs when plaque – deposits of cholesterol and other substances – build up in the coronary arteries that supply blood to the heart. When blood flow to the heart is impeded over a long period of time, the heart becomes weakened, and heart failure can result. If blood flow is completely cut off, a heart attack will result. CAD can also cause blood clots, which may lead to stroke.

Heart Attack
A heart attack, also known as a myocardial infarction, occurs when a portion of the heart suddenly receives inadequate blood flow. The longer the heart goes without sufficient blood supply, the greater the damage done to the heart.
Each year, more than 800,000 Americans suffer a heart attack. Nearly 25% of these are “repeat” heart attacks, meaning the person has had at least one heart attack in the past. Roughly one in five heart attacks is a silent heart attack. That’s when the person doesn’t realize it happened, yet there was some damage done.
Since time is of the essence, everyone should recognize the signs of a heart attack and know when to seek immediate medical attention.

If you or someone around you suddenly begins to experience one or more of these symptoms, call 911 immediately. The sooner you receive medical attention, the greater your odds of recovering from a heart attack.
Cardiovascular-Kidney-Metabolic Syndrome (CKM)
Two years ago, the American Heart Association identified a new cardiovascular condition, cardiovascular-kidney-metabolic syndrome (CKM). CKM observes the linkage between diabetes, obesity, heart disease and kidney disease.
It’s been well-known for years that diabetes and obesity are major risk factors for developing heart disease. A CKM diagnosis may help guide a patient’s treatment for conditions such as kidney disease or obesity with the goal of preventing heart disease down the road.
Other Forms of Heart Disease:
- Angina: Angina is chest pain caused by reduced blood flow to the heart.
- Arrhythmia: Arrhythmia occurs when the heart beats irregularly. Palpitations and a fluttering feeling in the chest are a symptom of arrhythmia. Arrhythmia increases the risk of blood clots and stroke.
- Atherosclerosis: This is the narrowing of the arteries because of plaque buildup.
- Cardiomyopathy: This condition results from the stiffening or enlargement of the heart muscle, which can cause inadequate blood pumping. Cardiomyopathy can result from many factors, including genetics. Uncontrolled high blood pressure is a key risk factor for this condition.
- Heart failure: Heart failure – also called congestive heart failure (due to the buildup of fluids in the lungs, limbs and liver) – results from the gradual weakening of the heart muscle. The heart is still beating, but no longer pumps blood correctly.
- Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD): When the arteries that supply blood to the arms and legs narrow or stiffen due to atherosclerosis, the blood and oxygen flow to the limbs can be diminished or even blocked. This can lead to numbness, tingling and pain in the legs and arms.
Health Conditions that Lead to Heart Disease
The following medical conditions are common drivers for heart disease. While they may be influenced by genetics, lifestyle choices play a major role.
High cholesterol
Cholesterol is a waxy, naturally-occurring substance in our bloodstream. Our bodies need some cholesterol to help build healthy cells and aid in the digestive process.
Cholesterol is transported through the bloodstream by what are known as lipoproteins. There are two types of lipoproteins, low-density (LDL) and high-density (HDL). LDL is often referred to as “bad cholesterol” and HDL as “good cholesterol.”
LDL cholesterol is bad for us because it contributes to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, which can lead to coronary artery disease. Keeping LDL levels in check is very important for heart health.
Conversely, the higher your HDL is, the better. HDL transports cholesterol and fat through the blood and to the liver, so they can be eliminated from the body.
Triglycerides, a type of fat found in the blood, can also be harmful to cardiovascular health if they are too high.
A cholesterol screening, a simple blood test that measures cholesterol and triglyceride levels, will determine if your levels are in the normal range. Everyone should receive cholesterol screenings periodically:
- Children between the ages of 9-11
- Young adults between the ages of 17-21
- Adults every 4-6 years, if no history of heart disease
- Adults with a history of heart disease should visit with their physician about how often to be screened.
If your LDL levels are elevated, you may be able to bring them down by making dietary adjustments. Eating less saturated fat, the type of fat found in meat and dairy, can help improve cholesterol levels.
In addition to dietary adjustments, HDL levels can be elevated through regular exercise, which has numerous heart health benefits.
If diet and exercise alone are insufficient to bring cholesterol levels into a healthy range, your physician may prescribe a statin, medicine that reduces harmful cholesterol.
High blood pressure
Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure is sometimes influenced by genetics. As with cholesterol, there are things we can do to reduce risk.
Hypertension is referred to as a “silent killer” – it usually produces no noticeable symptoms, but left untreated, can result in severe damage to the heart. A blood pressure reading, which is two numbers, measures the force of blood against the arteries:
- Systolic (upper number): when the heart beats
- Diastolic (lower number): when the heart is resting, in between beats
Blood pressure readings can be classified as:
- Normal: Less than 120/80 mm Hg;
- Elevated: Systolic between 120-129 and diastolic less than 80;
- Stage 1: Systolic between 130-139 or diastolic between 80-89;
- Stage 2: Systolic at least 140 or diastolic at least 90;
- Hypertensive crisis: Systolic over 180 and/or diastolic over 120
Elevated blood pressure can damage the arteries over time. It also makes the heart work harder to pump blood, causing extra strain and possible damage to the heart.
There are known risk factors that contribute to high blood pressure, including too much salt and too little potassium in a diet, as well as excessive alcohol consumption and tobacco use. As with cholesterol, if diet and exercise are insufficient to bring blood pressure into a normal range, your physician may prescribe medication.
All adults should have their blood pressure checked by a medical professional periodically:
- Men and women, age 18-39: every three to five years.
- Men and women, age 40 and older: every year.
Diabetes & prediabetes
Sustained levels of high blood sugar leads to prediabetes and eventually, diabetes. Genetics may play a role for some, but we can take steps to reduce risk.
Your doctor can check your blood sugar level with a simple blood test. If it’s too high, there are several things that can be done to lower it. Some foods should be avoided or eaten only in moderation. This includes certain carbohydrates, such as white flour products like bread and pasta, as well as white rice. Sugary drinks, including soda and fruit drinks, can also cause blood sugar levels to spike. Getting regular exercise and remaining hydrated are important keys to keeping blood sugar levels in check.
All adults should have their blood sugar levels checked periodically:
- Men and women age 45 and older, every three years
- Men and women ages 19-44, if overweight or obese
- Women who have had gestational diabetes
Overweightness and obesity
Some people are predisposed to weighing more, which can make losing weight challenging. Yet, there are steps that people can take to shed pounds and reduce their risk of heart disease. This includes diet and exercise, as well as medical interventions, if necessary.
GLP-1 drugs are proving effective at helping people lose weight and weight-loss surgery is an option for some patients.
Simple Steps to Protect Your Heart
Everyone is different and our health care needs vary. Nonetheless, there are basic things we can all do to protect our heart health and reduce our risk of the underlying health conditions that lead to heart disease.
“The good news is that it’s a not an impossibly long list of things we need to do to protect our heart,
explains Dr. Nassar. “For example, the same healthy habits that reduce your risk of diabetes will also help keep your cholesterol normal.”
See your PCP once a year
We all need periodic cholesterol, blood pressure and diabetes screenings. Seeing your primary care provider annually will ensure you stay up to date.
Don’t smoke or vape.
Smoking wreaks havoc on your cardiovascular system, in addition to causing cancer and breathing problems. See your PCP for help quitting.
Drink only in moderation.
If you drink, don’t overdo it. Health guidelines say men should have no more than two alcoholic drinks per day, women no more than one. Excessive alcohol consumption is bad for your blood pressure and leads to weight gain.
Eat healthy
Avoid – or at least eat only in moderation – foods high in saturated fat, sugar and salt. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables and increase your fiber intake.
Be mindful of portion sizes
As you are eating healthy, be mindful how much you are eating. For example, whole wheat pasta is a great choice – just remember, a serving size is one cup of dry pasta. We tend to overeat, especially when we dine out – try to moderate your portion sizes, which will in turn help your waistline and your heart.
Not getting enough sleep increases stress, can lead to weight gain and disrupts your body’s natural repair process. Adults should get 7-8 hours of sleep a night.
Get moving
Get at least 30 minutes of physical activity, at least five days a week – this can be as simple as a brisk walk. The goal is to elevate your heart rate, giving it a workout that makes it stronger over time.
Keep Your Ticker in Tip-Top Shape
We only have one heart – we need to take care of it! Take a few moments this February to think about whether you could do some things differently to keep your heart beating strong for longer.
And if it’s been a while since you’ve been in for a checkup, make an appointment to see your PCP today.
This article has been reviewed and approved by a panel of Privia Medical Group North Texas physicians.
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